Sunday, 7 November 2010

Marathon Day

Sunday 7th November 2010

Well the final day of the challenges is upon us and surprisingly this is the challenge I fear the most. Rachel thinks its just a run in the park if only it were that easy.

I slept reasonably well until 1.30am and we got an extra hour as the clocks went back but then it was dozing until 5 I must have peed 6 times my nerves are running away with me on this, I think this will be a lonely run.

Although everything you here about the crowds cheering you on should help. This is a typical example on how the usa works apparently their are sections on the run where the crowds are thin through the commercial districts so to combat this the marathon organisers get sponsored cheerleader to cheer people along, its not cricket but typically american.

I am now sitting on the new york fire department bus waiting to be transported to staten island.

I hope lady luck is with me today and my hamstring holds together, if not its going to be a long and painful day.

Both Simon and April seem very confident I hope I don't let the team down.

Its now 7am so been up for 2 hours already with another 3 hours 40mins to go to our official start time, its cold around 5 degrees currently but should walk up by midday.

I can now do no more other than control the nerves and be sensible, and maybe have a little prayer and ask for a little help from dad.

My plan is to think about Ethan he is doing his first tkd tournament and I can't imagine how he's feeling' especially with me not being their, good luck son I'm thinking of you.

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