Saturday, 21 August 2010

Training in Cumbria

Monday 16th August 2010

I woke early again today still not able to lie in. The mattress is too soft and therefore is very uncomfortable for my sore back. It's 7am, foggy and cool. I plan to do 5 miles today down the lanes by the castle but by the time I am at the top of the drive I'm knackared, still if I turn left it's downhill. This downhill stretch lasts all of half a mile. I then turn left again. Big mistake, all up hill at a 40% angle, ouch, I keep this up for just over 2 miles then turn round and head back. Funnily enough this is the highest I have been since getting back from France 450m, the downhill back is nice.

By the time I get back to the castle the boys are awake, so quick shower and off to breakfast. I have one niggling concern playing on my mind - how much damage have I done to my lungs? As running 5 miles feels like a marathon!

Over breakfast we decide to drive to Ingleton and walk around the waterfall trail, its just over 5 miles so training again. However the kids have made friends a friendly chap named George who is far more appealing than a walk. Fortunately George is going out for the day also so they reluctantly come, pursuaded by the fact that they will meet again at high tea.

The day has turned out hot and the walk is excellent, not a straight or flat path, and yes I am wearing my mountain boots, overkill I know but if I am to wear them for Kilimanjaro then I need to start falling in love with them again.

Kian has done surprisingly well and kept a good steady pace, but has got a little tired, so change of training for me as I put him on my shoulders not good for my back and it takes me half a mile to pursuade him to walk again. The break didn't last long as within half a mile he has fallen flat on his face, so he's back on my shoulders, Rachel is not happy as its steep and narrow, but as I told her this is a doddle compared to Mont Blanc. She raises her eyebrows at me and carries on.

Overall not a bad day 10 miles covered and I don't feel too bad now. Well I lie a little as my back hurts like hell and I still haven't got my boots to fit properly.

Tomorrow has forecast rain, so have decided to give myself a day off.

Sent from my HTC

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